Tuesday, October 14, 2008

........And More!

These large format lambda prints on pvc consist of series of formations using chairs/parts of chairs/random objects.

More Old Work...

In the video piece untitled(60mins) I attempted to balance on the back legs of a chair for one hour. Many attempts were made with the majority ending with me falling backwards and crashing to the ground. On a few occasions I managed to balance for what seemed like a few minutes (although I've never actually timed it) only to fall violently to the floor. There is no sound to the video so the crashes are silent.

Some Old Work...

Some work from my graduate show in 2006. I bought some polypropylene stacking chairs and using them created various sculptural formations. In arrangement150 I displayed 150 chair arrangements across 3 volumes. These volumes were fixed to wall hung desks, with the viewers sitting on some of the chairs used in the arrangements. I'm planning to publish an edition of arrangement150 in singular bound book format.